Family farms, free range, eco, picturesque, flat or highlands, we are a small country for a great holiday. No matter where you choose to go, Croatian towns and cities are highly dependent on their countryside.
Croatians really love their local produce and producers. This symbiosis dates way back in the history and our history is as rich as it can get. To be rich in Croatia means to have a table full of home-grown/made goods and share it with as many friends possible. Every household has a unique delicacy of its own and it is always fun to visit not only for holidays and to bring your own special treat.
Croatians are very social and you don’t have to be afraid of leaving with an empty stomach. Food, drinks, cosmetics or handicrafts, vintage or modern, spectacular rural houses, hotels, wineries, eateries, sporty, adrenaline, casual, relaxed, family, you can find it all or choose your ideal getaway from your daily routine! Plant your tree, veggies, feed your pets and animals or livestock, become a farmer if only for a day.
Just let us know what you like through our questionnaire. Contribute, bond, be part of it! Next time you come, you collect your crops! Croatia- full of life is what you really get through us! Contribute to the better world as it once was.