per person
Healthy and happy people naturally come from the countryside while the grumpy and busy people come from the cities. Most could disagree because most people nowadays live in the cities but why not try living a different life for a day and try to deny the fact, you urban people, that is.
Smaller town, less opportunities is the only thing we have known of in the industrial era but the truth lays far away from the city. The countryside has always fed the cities and the space for healthy growing up is the present and the future. If not true and feasible, feel it at least during your vacation.
We have a totally relaxing story for you free of any pesticides, industry, pollution, stress and pressure. Start feeling the good things of life and find yourself in the unique natural traditional ambiance with the most amazing delicacies of the most welcoming hosts.
The only key is to accept and appreciate what others have to say! In this case, the paesants! Teach them something they don’t know if you can and convince them of a better life in the city. By the way, tell them that your pet lives better in the apartment than theirs in the courtyard.